Looking for the cowl trim (wiper trim, hood seal, and all that) for a 4th gen. Must be in great shape, but the same from 94-02
Looking for wiring harness for the whole car. Must be LS1 motor, would like to be a 6speed. Dose not have to be 100%, but not have the doors cut off, or the PCM cut out. Im going to remove a lot of the little stuff anyway. Airbags/AC/ABS/EGR that junk, so missing a few plugs is fine.
Your fucking pathetic with this shit, its so goddamn stupid and old. No one gives a fuck about the BS anymore besides you and your pal joelster. I tried to help you out, my friend who is on there and lives 6 doors up from me has a Camaro and a TA he is parting out and will have any part you may ever need, but if you are not interested thats fine too.