FD =\= GTO

Coming back from Perkins at 11:30pm tonight on road xxxx and I stop at a redlight. Some distinctly pontiac headlights close in and a grey/blue/fuckimcolorblind GTO pulls up next to me. I was in the middle of a conversation with my roommate so I don’t think to do anything until it turns green.

I give it a little gas and launch out of first just till 25-30 and wait till he pulls up next to me. GTO gets next to me and I wait a second, then shift in first to 8k, 2nd gear to 8k, and the GTO is nowhere to be found. I brake down from 70 and a little later he does a ricer flyby giving me a thumbs down out the window.

He pulls up to turn left into the sunoco. I’d be happy to line up again and play some more but fuck, the thumbs down? I cruised back uptown and went home.

I haven’t been so dissapointed since I found out newman is a vegan. wtf.

typical Buffalo haters. Brush it off and regroup

what do you drive? if it sucks then it deserves the thumbs down, i would suppose

FD RX-7…they don’t really suck…

No they don’t suck at all. They’re actually rather damn sweet.

well in that case, i guess its the GTO driver that gets the :tdown:

I just laughed at the I’m color blind part of the story. Yes, fly by’s are lame as are thumbs down. I can assure you that this GTO owner does not represent all GTO owners.

Are you sure the GTO was even racing?

You were going slow after the light and he undoubtedly caught up ( since the speed limit was likely higher than 25mph ) and then you took off unexpectedly and winded out a few gears. It doesn’t sound like anyone did anything to initiate a race, there was no beeping, and from what you said, there wasn’t even an acknowledgment between the 2 cars.

Maybe I’m missing something??

I tore out from the dig then waited, like an invite. Then waited for him to get next to me. When he did and we were even, I rev’d then launched again. We had plenty of road to do 3 beeps, I was just seeing if he’d play. Instantly I get the thumbs down.

who was it? I have seen a blue GTO around with an exhaust. Don’t think theres much more done to it. Its a 5.7l '04. ut who know’s, I doubt it was anyone on here.

Bleh. :poke::poke:

Sounds like he really didn’t give a shit about racing.

:word: thats what its starting to sound like…instead of a thumbs down, I just laugh if its some ass in a riced out something or another.
Then, on the flipside…its exactly why I dont even try to initiate races anymore, people look at me like I’m whacked. Well, I ~think~ its because of the car. :gotme:

If this happened anywhere on Transit Im willing to bet it was a light blue 6.0 LS2 GTO. Did some quick pulls with a dude cpl weeks ago, car was a monster. Was lightly tinted as well if I remember correctly…

didn’t take you long to switch your sig hah

This might have been the kid I raced tonight, he also gave me a tdown

oh wellz


I guess my point is, we’re all into the scene for the same reason so why do people have to be so lame about it? Shit, if you didn’t buy your car for fun, you sure as fuck didn’t buy it for gas mileage. Typical buffalo haters is right. And exhaust sounded stock for a GTO but I could be wrong.

I think you are delirious. Not everyone is into ILLEGAL street racing. Get over yourself.:suckoff:

Haha well yeah but if you’re fine with speeding on a main road, in your sports car, past another sports car… it doesn’t seem to be a huge ethical jump to race. Anyway this thread is useless, I was more or less hoping GTO guy would show.