FD - S2k - GST - FD photoshootsssss

Got a chance to set up some pics with Brian (s2k) and Pat (GST). Thanks to pat for mad camera-owning skillz, and Brian for mad climbing-up-shit skillz.

great pix.

Pull out that slutty pontiac, and get some more shots! Want to see more of the FD and S2000.

Ready to pounce.

These last pictures are from today, the montego blue (slash crazy black or green) FD is single turbo street ported beast.


seeexxy cars

FD’s make me happy in my pants. Nice pics

is the green/blue/black fd EZFD’s?

sure looks like it to me… and its montego blue :stuck_out_tongue:

the FD and the S2K are hot, but the FD is way hotter than the S2K.

eclipse… not so much. about as cool as the pontiac.

Nice cars.

Pics…not so much.

Nice, very nice. Both yours and Eric’s look great.

wow two fds actually running at the same time?!!?

AP2 = :gay2: j/k

p.s. agreed on the more S2K and FD shots

The red looks good on the s2k and I usually despise red cars.

The pictures are terrible, were they taken with a disposable?

edit: Obviously not, at least a disposable will focus.

man fd’s are soo hawt!!! to bad they kinda suck for drifting

its because they are 2 different colors… there can’t be 2 montego blue ones running at the same time :frowning: