quick fd vid

http://thumbs.vidiac.com/b0c7763e-8224-4a0c-b297-ef1e06df9df7.jpgClick here to see Video

:pimp: holy shit

holy shit is right… that thing is badass :tup:

im not clicking it unless i am sure that it is the white one in flames. lol.

waitin for it to load :tup:

jay you better tune for that…or so help me ill have to buy it from you

lmao not gonna happen, good vid tho :tup:


Silly Jays is way faster then that

give me a month…:snky:

i dont think there any hills around here steep enough to get ur car that kind of acceleration… I KID I KID

That’s fucking sick, I shouldn’t look at that shit Not Xander Safe next time OK? :wink:


ok, next time i will put a warning on it

BAAAAAZZZIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!! (OUCH!) i dont think my car would go that fast if you dropped it out of a plane…lol

always loved the way those sounded.

giant shop fans

the video wont load right now for me i’ll try back later


oh… and excuse my ignorance, but what does FD stand for/mean?

FD is the chassis code for 3rd generation rx7’s

oh…my…god i’m in love, is his hood/front bumper aftermarket? someoen link me to a forum where i can read up on these cars i think i might have found my net project car after my SHO.

:tup: makes decent power