Feedback wanted, new auto website

Pointless thread and responses. Delete this please.

Well yea, but its a huge site. I would be looking to appeal to the crowd looking for a personal experience.

idk the current market on this sort of idea, gotta do lotsa research

and its luxury

This already exists, and the people that run them can spell.

Thanks for your feedback. You have made me realize that any idea done once, should not be repeated. Damn those monopolies.

People who delete their posts should receive and automatic BAN. I’m tired of clicking on threads that are “Delete Please”. Don’t post if you can’t handle the response you may receive.

I asked for legit feedback in a nice manner. Saying a site already does that service or that I hit the “a” key while typing luxury is legit feedback? sorry you wasted 5 seconds of your life by clicking my thread. I hope you click this again to waste another 5.

Well since the post is deleted…I’ll go with Yeh. I’m an optimist.