FEELER- My B18 LS for your d16z6/Y8/b18

alright so here is the deal… i bought this swap over the winter for my eg. i put it in with draftinwjr, and gary burch finished it. i didnt find out until after the swap was almost done that the motor had arp rod bolts, ported/polished head, some kind of lightened flywheel (the motor revs so fast and the throttle response is nutty) and a ACT 6-puck racing clutch.

honesly, this swap is pretty annoying to drive daily, which is what i wanted from this civic. the clutch is like an on/off switch, and i will probably NEVER br00000st it.

the harness is complete. the motor is still in the car. the swap is from a 91 teg, but gary made the harness able to run with a map sensor. it has an ls hydro trans, whichs shifts great overall, but 1-2 can be notchy when its cold. doesnt grind though

gary ran a compression test on the motor before he had it running and it came back 160-170 accross the board. not bad for a motor that hadnt ran in over 6 months. im sure it would test higher now. it doesnt appear to use any oil, aside from a small leak from the oil pump housing.

the axles have like literally 100-200 miles on them, the tranny is filled with GM syncromesh, all gaskets and the timing belt were replaced a few thousand miles ago, ect. i even still have the tapped b18 pan that came on the motor.

what im looking for is a d16z6, y8, or a stock LS complete swap for my swap. this is a good deal for someone looking to go fast in a honda, which i really have no desire of doing. all you need are some turbo partz and you can go real fast in a straight line. the motor ran a low 12 in the 1/4 mile with a holset hy35 turbo on a base map from what im told.

pm me if youre interested, and we can work out the details. i would def be willing to help with the swap, but have no place to work on it.

i would like cash on top for a d-block, or would be willing to trade even for a b-block

before anyone asks I AM NOT PARTING THIS OUT

great deal for someone :tup:

Thanks man. This motor has a lot of potental for a Honda, but I have no desire to get it to that point.


Why not swap the clutch, it would be a hell of a lot easier and if you do decide to get nutty down the road it would be ready to go.

i agree just ditch the siqqqq clutch for something more forgiving and youre all set JAMO

WTF, why would you pull a motor and swap to a shitty one because of the clutch. JUst get an OEM clutch, it’ll hold the power fine and be easy to drive.

I agree with newman, the clutch is probably an unsprung clutch. Just get a new OEM clutch and replace it.