Would not suprise me if the ones in the mall closed down, unfortunately while they were selling decent kits, they were WAY overpriced. Also a lot of the ones you see in gas stations are complete garbage.
Blu, a well known e-cig company just started selling Disposables in walgreens. They are a 1 time use e-cig for around 8 bucks, I have used one just to see how it stacked up and for someone wanting to give it a try they are awesome, they will last close to a whole day.
Unfortunately starting on a garbage kit like ones in gas stations and even some that were in the malls can really turn someone off from it, crappy flavor and vapor production really throws the whole experiance off. Not to mention most dont realize that their are vendors online that sell the kits at less then half the cost that these malls places do, and sell quality liquids and most are very knowledgeable about what they are selling. I tried talking to the guy in the kiosk at crossgates and he was completely clueless about waht he was selling, and he actually wreaked of cigarettes.