Fellow Shifters, please take a moment and read this

I agree with you somewhat. It is not 100% safe, i stated that. Its an alternative, while the FDA for whatever reason refuses to do a study on them, the only harmful substance being introduced to the body is nicotine. As a health teacher I am sure you are aware that Nicotine has both good/bad effects on the body, and that nicotine shares many of the “harmful” characteristics of one who regularly consumes caffeine.

I would not recommend them to someone who does not smoke, or someoen who has already quit. But for someone who enjoys smoking, like I and many others do and may not want to quit and would like the same sensation without the health risks, you bet your ass i’d recommend this to them. I do know people who have used e-cigs to kick the habbit entirely, and thats awesome.

Vaping as it were, is to me what coming home at the end of the day and having a beer is to a lot of people. Nicotine is addicting, but its not nicotine soley which addicts smokers theres 900 other addictive substances in cigarettes which aids in the nicotine addiction. After 7 months, I can tell you I am no longer dependent on nicotine like I was with smoking. Do I want to give it up? no I enjoy it, but if I had to I would like to think it would not be a problem. I don’t depend on it to get me through a day anymore. I don’t crave anything on my car ride to work, or when I first get up in the morning. I can go hours without it and have it not bother me. Is there still an addiction? Yes I’m sure, but my body is not as dependent on it like it once was, if I go a few hours I may crave it a bit, but I no longer feel like I want to rip someones head off if I don’t get my fix.

Ive been sleeping better, feeling better when I wake up, I don’t hack up shit every morning, my immune system is better, my bloodwork has improved. Im not as easily winded etc…