Females and those that live with females PLEASE READ

well i dont know what happened


Yeah thats the story…I was checking the buffalo news site but they didnt have anything about it.

Details since I am in a little bit better mood to tell it:

My cousin in her early 30s was home alone. She lives on a large plot of property with a main house and a garage/barn with a large finished apt. above it where she and her bf and her son live.

She has a pretty regular routine (which leads me to think premeditation) where she goes to the main house to feed the cats that live there. Then she typically walks back and has her morning cigarette in the garage/tool shop under their apt.

She was having her cigarette when a man dressed in full camo came into the garage and asked her to use the phone. She obviously thought this was odd but he was already inside so she pointed to the wall where the phone was. He walked over to the phone and ripped it out of the wall and at this point she obviously knew she was in trouble so she ran for the interior stairs from the garage to the upper apt.

The fucking douchebag ran after her up the stairs and as she got to the top he grabbed her by her hair and dragged her back down the stairs into the garage ripping out alot of her hair in the process. He took her into the garage where he cut her clothes off with a knife and proceeded to rape her.

When he was done he took a plastic bag and roll of electrical tape out of his pocket (again premeditated) and put the bag over her head and wrapped it complete with the tape so she could not see anything or get the bag off. He also taped and tied her hands together and left her there.

Somehow she managed to find her way to the cordless phone she had with her and speed dialed her neighbor who came and found her.

Thanks for all of your kind words…its been a stressful week thus far and being able to have the support of “most” of you means alot.

Now as I understand some of you have had negative comments and wise ass remarks. I invite you to say any of these offline and to her boyfriends face, her brothers face, her fathers face, or my face and then we will see how easy it is to talk shit about an absolutely horrible situation. If it makes you feel better to live in a world where this sort of incident is funny for whatever reason…well I am just not gonna take the time to say it on here but I will gladly make myself available for a live personal conversation.

i hate guys that prey on girls and feel the need to attack them.

i hope your family member recovers. support is what she needs right now.

oh man, this is really sad. best of luck to your cousin. :frowning:

Yeah I mean I am a fan of some good rough loving but this is a little extreme under any circumstance.

My thoughts and prayers are with your cousin and your family.

I hope they find this man and I wish that you, your uncle and her boyfriend could be alone with him in a room.

For everyone that made an asshole remark, seriously re-think your statements.


So do we…i am pretty sure only people I have seen at holidays would be coming out at the end…

Thanks for the kind words

pm sent.

my favorite weapon of choice

wow that’s fucked up :frowning:

best of wishes to your family

sorry to hear man, people are seriously fucked up :tdown:

fwiw I think a properly trained guard dog is also a smart idea, especially in area’s that are mostly woods and “farm country”.

I have a grandma who lives out on a farm in poland ( where break-ins and house theft is very common ) and she had a german sheperd, and when he was in his prime if anyone even came near the gate he would instantly bark and run outside and scare away anyone who even thought about coming in unwelcome.

I dont think my cousins pekinese is a very effective gaurd dog but I do agree…however I would much more like to subscribe to the school of thought that people should just be f-ing normal and leave people alone.

that extremely lame how someone can do that to another person…best of luck…ill give you a ring this week…hope everything pans out and they catch that fucking asshole…

hope they catch this guy, thats seriously messed up. wtf is wrong with people!!


Sorry to hear. I don’t know what I would if I wear in your or her boyfriend’s shoes.

Have the authorities determined if there was any other motive involved or just a sick fuck committing rape?

Sorry to hear man. I hope that your family recovers quickly and that this guy is caught.

my god man.

I can’t even tell you how bad I feel for her, her boyfriend, and your whole family and freinds circle.

In my sick head, I think very hard what I would do and how I would react if something devastating like this happened to my family of me. Mostly because it very well can happen and does every day to people everywhere. There is nothing worse than the sense of invasion/violation, both property and personal that would come along with something like this.

I am sorry and wish I could help. I hope justice is served.

Also…was there DNA evidence from the victim?? Is that even possibleto make any connection from that?

there’s really nothing that can be said to make a situation like this easier. best of luck to you and your family. i’m more sorry than you’ll ever know that you had to experience something like this.

No Updates yet…but I am fairly positive DNA evidence was taken and hopefully justice or karma do their part.

I would imagine that the DNA would only be a match if he had a past record of it in a crime database somewhere.

I dont know of the authorities take on the motive but I am of the mindset that it was a premeditated assault as nothing was taken from the house and he obviously had time to do that if it was something like a robbery gone wrong.

Thanks again for all the support :slight_smile:

That’s absolutely horrible.