I was accused of something, via pm. It pointed to this thread.
It referred to PM’s being sent on my behalf, PM’s which do not exist.
I am still unsure as what is going on here, and really could care less. I just ask that ppl leave me out of any drama.
Note: people on the site are starting shit on purpose just because they like to stir shit up get a life people. if somone says X persone said something about you or A ignore it and relax. we have a few people on TNC who are here ownly to cause drama… everyone is welcome on tnc as always and no one will be banned unless i say so. so chill out grow up and cut the kid shit out and save it for your parents .
i dont care what is said on other sites, say what you wish i really dont care what some random guy says about the site… but keep this Site clean and free of drama if possible, if you have nothing productive to say on the forums keep it to pm and if you dont like the site why bother comin on?. i think most of you are old enough to resolve your own problems so do it.
and specz no one is saying leave tnc u can come on whenever and post up whatever u like.
so relax people and grow up abit. youd think by now people would catch on the to shit starters.
people have an issue pm me or dubv we are always online to help out if really needed.
you have a nice set up man. car looks pretty sick… hope i get a chance to chekc it out sometime. looks bad ass