few questions...

Don’t you think an r6 is a little too hot for a starter bike?

i really dont know i was looking around kinda liked the one i was looking at… but as john said my luck lately has been shit so i may just hold out… i also have to fix the Audi bad now before i buy anything else… FML

Yeah applying proper logic to spending your hard earned money boggles my mind as well. :eek3

Buying a brand new bike as your first one is a bad move to begin with. I’m not even going to touch on the subject “a 600cc bike for a first bike!? Are you crazy!?”

What do you like about the R6 that pin points your interest? Is it the look or have you actually ridden one? I can tell you first hand from experience of owning one that I wasn’t impressed with it. It was faster then my CBR 600rr and had a more comfortable seat but riding it was not comfortable. When you ride an R6 (2004-2005 and R6S) you are more over the handle bars then you are with a CBR or a GSXR. It also sits a lot higher then most 600cc bikes. It wasn’t a big downfall but I certainly noticed this too… The turning radius on it is not great either. If I was throwing a U-Turn on a 2 lane street it barely could cut it without having to go up on the grass. These are just a few of the things I was not happy with about the bike. If I was gonig to buy a bike right now, I would buy a GSXR.

Thank you.

I wasn’t even going into the debate of starting big, everybody knows my point.

But if you’re looking at 600’s already and you’re wanting a first street bike, your last generation R6 should be the last bike to look at.

By the sounds of it, the choice decision was based on looks alone which is the first step in the wrong direction.

well as of right now im holding off for a little bit… kinda having second thoughts about buying a newer bike… after looking into it kinda wouldnt be worth it right now

If you really want a brand new, good looking starter bike, look for a used Ninja 250.

Ninja 250’s are the suck!

Wait. I didn’t say that!

go with an early 80’s Suzuki GS550 like me… lol. I have to say, this bike runs like a champ esspecially for only $600. And the best part is that if I drop it, I can say “oh well”.
Either next year or the year after I will be getting a new Buell… (flame suit on).


Something that looks brand new


You can ride whatever size bike you want… just beware of twisting the throttle past your skill level.

and Darwinism

uh oh

And it begins.



I thought we were doing well…no need for these shenanigans again.