few questions...

Ok as most of u know ive been looking around for a bike for awhile now. Been looking around for an R6. I’ve found a few at Troy City and JAf in glenville. Would it be worth it buying from a dealer or try and get a personal loan and buying it used from someone of the mean streetzzzzz???

If you buy from a dealer, you’ll be required to get full coverage on it. The only place I know of that will let you fly with only liability is Griffin Motorsports.

well this is will also be my first bike… and my other problem is my credit is shit and i work under the table

ok and your point??

Have you looked into insurance yet? Liability is almost nothing on them, full coverage is ridiculous. Before you go and splurge on anything, make sure you know you can afford it.

idk? lol yea ive been looking at insurance it isnt too bad…

just got back from troy city… need a cosigner and the bike is mine

What jay said isnt true its not the dealer who require full coverage its the banks sunmark sefcu cap com all want full coverage. yamaha finance dosent require it nor dose nbt bank if its under 10g thats where mine was through… good luck with a cosign:thumbup

Also most people don’t know this, but you can buy it from a dealer even if they require full coverage after the first month you can drop it to liability only. But keep in mind its a brand new bike and anything can happen, its not gonna hurt to have full coverage unless your hard up for cash.

If you are that hard up for cash dont buy a bike though

full coverage for my 08 gsxr 1000 is only 450yr! w/ a horrible driving record. It used to be like 5000 a year for full coverage, this is my 9th sportbike and is the first bike i’v had full coverage on. Seymours has atleast 10 banks that do not require full coverage. call the laughlin agency, there wicked cheap 315-785-2453

started my summer job so im good now i just have to be smart with my money this year unlike last.

actually you dont need full coverage you just need an isurance binder saying you would have full coverage then when the loans approved you call the insurance comapny and get card for liability but if this is youre first ride I would suggest full coverage youre going to drop it despite what anyone says

isnt an r6 a little big for a first bike?


dont buy a bike ,we will read about the outcome esp wit your luck …stay on 4 wheels please dude

i knew you, oleg, or someone else in the “biker crew” would have a blast with that :lol

It’s not even the fact that it’s a 600, but it’s the worst 600 for the street.

I’d love to see one reasonable justification other then looks to choose the R6 over other supersports of other brands.

I’m not even expecting any logic behind it as a first bike.

Who cares, if thats what he wants to buy, so be it. I never got why people had to “justify” what they are buying.

you do have a good point there, my luck has been quite shitty lately… expesually last night having to rip the bumper of the Audi

Yea why the R6? just curious? The powerband on those (depending on the year) is not the most streetable…