Few runs from the other night.

Here are a few runs from sat night. This is the first real chance I have got to test out my new map. Seems to have made quite a difference.

Me vs. 35r evo:

Me vs. justin’s integra:

and Me (no spray) Vs. mike.

Holy hell!!! An S4 that kills from a roll :ohnoes


Doing work

I got to watch the S4 vs 30R Evo race from the back seat of my Trans Am :crackup

did you got our run on video?

Knew I should have came out.

Had one too many Corona’s though.

sweet! That Integra moved pretty damn well!

I’d like to do a run with you off the bottle for shits and giggles.

What does the S4 usually trap at the valley?

Nice kills pal, and roll up those damn windows :lol

112 on pump, highest on his old 100 map with spray was 116… but the old 100 map was pretty even with mikes evo, new 104 made a noticable difference. another S4, same APR kit with the same 104 program went 118.

Nicks 60fts were better then the kid who went 11.8 at 118 so im pretty sure he should be at least an 11.8 probably around 11.6 at 120ish on spray

yeah i saw the runs, he did like a 1.89 or something. i think nick will do 11.6x @ 121 or so if everything goes well.

Mike’s evo would def. be a good run for me.

joes its a 35r evo not 30r…directed towards johawk

good old honda holding strong

Thanks man, now i’m depressed :sad We’ll have to run em again once i get the kinks worked out of my car.

Nothing to be depressed about. You win some and you loose some. Once you get it fixed, we can run again and I’ll get smoked. It’s all good.

Good run!


I love digging ;D