FF: COD:WaW 360 Beta code

sorry about that


Thanks for the fix, however:

“All tokens are reserved at this time”

oh, that sucks :tdown: worked for the past 2 days… check the official COD forums, that’s where I found that link.

Yeah, oh well… I’m sure if they are testing beta now the game will be released relatively soon.

Does COD5 maintain the same amazing online setup, and all the different mission modes? COD4’s matchmaking and party setup was revolutionary on the console

yup, besides a few minor differences (name changes and layout mostly) they’re pretty much identical. It looks like you have the option of picking 4 perks instead of 3 from COD4

Were there hardcore modes?


Perk 1:

  • Special Grenades x3
  • Satchel Charge x2
  • M9A1 Bazooka x2
  • Bomb Squad
  • Bouncing Betty x2 (similar to claymores)
  • Bandolier
  • Primary Grenades x2
  • M2 Flamethrower

Perk 2:

  • Stopping Power
  • Fireworks (explosives cause more damage)
  • Flak Jacket (decreases damage taken by explosives)
  • Gas Mask
  • Juggernaut
  • Camouflage
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Shades (decreases intensity of signal flares)
  • Double Tap
  • Overkill

Perk 3:

  • Deep Impact
  • Extreme Conditioning
  • Steady Aim
  • Toss Back (resets fuse on tossing back enemy grenade)
  • Second Chance (ability to revive allies)
  • Martyrdom
  • Fireproof
  • Dead Silence
  • Iron Lungs
  • Reconnaissance (shows artillery and tanks on map)

Vehicle Perk:

  • Water Cooler
  • Greased Bearings
  • Ordnance Training
  • Leadfoot
  • Coaxial Machine Gun

I can’t recall if there was a hardcore mode or not (pretty sure there was though).

only picked it up for a few rounds. Between the hockey game and finishing up a model I’m working on, didn’t have a lot of time last night.

I’ll let you know later

if you go to call of duty.com and register
you will get an email regarding a code
to unlock the beta version
i signed up and about an hour later i got the code :tup:

Your next on the list. I have 1 more. I just pm’d it to you.

damn i was out of town i want to play too :frowning: