Film : 300 (Review, trailers and more)


Movie of the year, and it was breathtaking in IMAX :slight_smile:


Bastard now I have to see it in IMAX, although I do wanna see it again so might as well.

I could have done without the guys doing lil jon impressions before the movie…

Yes, i screamed so loud all the little girls in the parking lot fainted…im. that. bad. ass.


I could have done without the guys doing lil jon impressions before the movie…

Yes, i screamed so loud all the little girls in the parking lot fainted…im. that. bad. ass.


unconscious little girls? pics or ban

rad film, a bit corny at times, but still awesome.

lots of weird female nipples in this movie and semi gratuitous sex scenes… :tup:

I was really hoping for more sweet ass creature dudes, like that fat thing with sword arms.

I think Dr Dos makes a cameo in the film.

some of the slow motion parts with the super rad music with the guys wailing on the guitars got me so pumped up i nearly punched my mom’s kidneys out a window.

I give it 8 or 9 out of 10


Movie of the year, and it was breathtaking in IMAX :slight_smile:


:word: Gotta agree with this quote here…movie was badass. Oh, and I met Newman in person, that makes like 10 board members I’ve actually met now.


:word: Gotta agree with this quote here…movie was badass. Oh, and I met Newman in person, that makes like 10 board members I’ve actually met now.


yeah, seems like a good dude. he gets my seal of approval.


yeah, seems like a good dude. he gets my seal of approval.


I almost ran you and your crew over on the way out the lot…that may have ruined your opinion of me. I held back…:smiley:

as long as you punctuated it with a hairy burnout, i still approve.

yea i agree is was a great movie, though idk about saying best movie of the yr when its only march…

i agree with newman tho, i wanted to see that sword hands guy and other like him get in on the battle


yea i agree is was a great movie, though idk about saying best movie of the yr when its only march…

i agree with newman tho, i wanted to see that sword hands guy and other like him get in on the battle


I don’t see anything else that can claim it, the only other movie I’m really “waiting” for this year is Spiderman 3, and there is no way that will be better than 300.

300 hands down is probably the best movie I’ve seen in a few years.

so seriously, who laughed when xerxes was behind leonidas and he put his huuuuge hands on his shoulders and said “i can be very…generous”

everyone in our theater chuckled like little girls :mamoru:


as long as you punctuated it with a hairy burnout, i still approve.


My SHO lacks the ability to achieve said burnout…


so seriously, who laughed when xerxes was behind leonidas and he put his huuuuge hands on his shoulders and said “i can be very…generous”


hahaha yes. I laughed, but then stopped laughing when matt put his hand in my lap :hay:

the movie was good, definitely, but you can’t really compare it to any other recent blockbuster, such as the departed, etc. i agree with newman on the boobage… the queen had the best perky small tits i’ve seen in awhile.

what about the brief shot of the naked chick with no arms or legs in xerxes’ den of sin or whatever? that was sweet.

also the guy with sword arms was awesome… don’t know why he didn’t fight… it was a letdown.

lastly the traitor hunchback guy looked like a funny elf with that stupid hat on in the end. and i’m assuming that when the king says “i hope you live forever” he’s implying that if the hunchback guy dies, he’ll rape and pillage his shit in hell forever or something :tup:

imax was badical also.

I’ve only been to IMAX once before and that was NYC and you had to wear the 3d helmets and everything was literally 3d. Is this similar to the one here or what?


I’ve only been to IMAX once before and that was NYC and you had to wear the 3d helmets and everything was literally 3d. Is this similar to the one here or what?


the only helmets in the theater will be on the screen. lol.

also: anyone on the board drive the blue EK hatch with holed up rear bumper? if so- it looked pretty clean… IN MY REARVIEW


lastly the traitor hunchback guy looked like a funny elf with that stupid hat on in the end. and i’m assuming that when the king says “i hope you live forever” he’s implying that if the hunchback guy dies, he’ll rape and pillage his shit in hell forever or something :tup:


lol, he looked like the hunchback of notre dame in the disney movie, especially in the end wearing that goofy hat

what he meant by “i hope you live forever” was in reference to their prior conversation, when he said he wanted to die in combat to avenge his parents disloyalty to sparta. he wants him to live forever to remember that he betrayed sparta and effectively did the same thing his parents did



hahahahahahahahaha yes.

I remember seeing the hat and was like wtf?!?!?!


what he meant by “i hope you live forever” was in reference to their prior conversation, when he said he wanted to die in combat to avenge his parents disloyalty to sparta. he wants him to live forever to remember that he betrayed sparta and effectively did the same thing his parents did


oh yea. lol. how could i have missed that.

either way he sucked. and was a crappy hunchback :nite:

im going sat. night again with some other speeders if anyone wants to join


i might go again. i wanna see it in imax.