Finally a place they can't bust you...

Took a run up to the cottage again…with a camera today :smiley:

Couldn’t really screw around except for in front of the cottage, it was the only place covered 95% in snow…out in the middle of the lake was ice with snow patches it was sketch and prob would flip the truck or break something…

Where have you screwed around other then parking lots and tracks…anything as cool as this???..frozen water!!

Reading week will be sick, ill have at least another 4 vehicles up and a vid camera on a snowmobile…hopefully it snows a bit more for better conditions

Anyways here you go:

your cottage multiple times the size of my house, fuck.

Where’s your cottage up at?
I use to do that with my durango out on our lake.

mmmm, cottages.

with a cottage that big that ranger should be boosted

Were on Stoney Lake, nice and close. you?

Thought about boosting it, but then no warranty and imo a waste of money.

Plus I’m a broke student, with a part time job… haha

SON drift event anyone?

lol if the next pictures is of that truck was sinking.

i always loved your cottage, and kinda the mansion.

I have never been to a cottage in my life. That shi is too balling for me lol.

I’ve probably posted this before but here’s a photo from Ice Racing the Z up in the Ads:

Just make sure you check depth! If the ice isn’t 10-12" thick (or more) you should NOT be out there.

WOW more pics of the z on ice…
son drift event on ice musical? LOL

Damn sick pic!!

Yeah there’s prob close to 2 feet of ice if not more.

hmmm i gotta go to stoney then i hit chemong a couple weeks ago and the sled crashed threw:( scared the shit outta me.

A couple years back we took my buddies spitfire n did the same thing

so much fun … but a bit cold

lol ice road truckers

wow serious cottage…and that shit must be fun

Just make sure you don’t end up hitting the truck with the snow mobile like that guy earlier in January who killed himself.

That cottage is baller… nice.

I can bring my WRX yea?

I want a cottage… white guys get all the fun!! whomp whomp for me! That should be my first housing investment!!

damn. mtv cribs should hit up martinos cottage. DAMN! hahaha

that pic with the z is sickk…
btw nice cottage