Dont drive on the ice V. Irondequait Bay....

from a rochester based motorcycle website

HAHAHa… shitty situation for him, but the pics made me laugh, nobody was injured…

Wow that sucks, good that no one got hurt though.

fucking tard


what is that, 4 inches of ice?

There are 3 ponds in greece 2miles x1mile that are all good enough to drive on, THE BAY? it is by definition a point OF RAPIDLY MOVING WAtER :bloated:

Meh it was only a Blazer. The resale probably went up now.

What’s really funny is that he thinks Geico is going to cover that. Most insurance companies have an exclusionary clause about “off highway use”. When the Geico adjuster finds his truck in Irondequait Bay, and it clearly didn’t get there from sliding off the road, he can say goodbye to any insurance check.

^I was just thinking the same thing.

What a tard.


ouch what a dumb ass. DEC is going to have a field day with this kid.

Link to original post?

oh god that would suck :frowning:

wow. what a dumbass.

that guy makes retards look like einstein

He’s actually pretty lucky that he didn’t kill himself and his friends. Irondequoit bay + single digit temps = quick death.

I wonder how much this will end up costing him. He’s already saying 5 grand to get it out, which sounds reasonable since they’ll probably have to use a crane. The Blazer’s probably a total loss, which his insurance isn’t going to pay for. What kind of fines is he looking at from the DEC?

I dont think Id be walking on top of it… let alone on the ice near it

yeah theyre fucking lucky thats a shallow spot

Should have got a ride home got drunk and claimed it was stolen at a party.

Hehe he doesn’t really seem to be into “smart.”

I actually know this one from boating. It’s not good if they do go after him. Basically it falls under the clean water act, the part about negligent pollution.

shall be punished by a fine of not less than $2,500 nor more than $25,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or by both.

Just enough to put a sheen on the water is enough to be in violation. I’m sure you’ve seen that it only takes a few drops of oil to make a sheen.