Dont drive on the ice V. Irondequait Bay....

sucks to be him… ouch the fine is going to be killer too… id be interested to see how this unfolds… i could link to the post, but you need to be registered there to see it

I feel a tiny bit bad for him. Not much mind you, but just a little. His friends were probably egging him on. One lapse in judgement, and now he’s in all sorts of shit and will probably be paying for this for years. :gotme:


if they claim poor visibility and insurance paays for it… he will be a lucky sob

EDIT… as to his car would be one of the many costs he will not need to incur… lets just hope there arent donuts on the ice… prior to the breakthrough… btw… the car is still in the ice… 300 ft out, how would you go about pulling it out? draggin it through the ice would definitely cause severe damage, and 300 ft out is too far for a crane without being able to go out on the ice… hmmm

Anyone besides me sign up over there just to watch this unfold? :lol:

Curiousity got the best of me. I’m willing to bet he doesn’t get a penny from Geico.

the comments on d and c website are funny… rofl at the one about einstein

Holy shit.


wow…I seriously just lold. thats awsome. :tup: to dumbasses keeping us entertained.

Good for him.

Stunter, not a surprise…



What a frigging moran.

DEC is gonna bend him over and fuck him in the ass

In that situation you:

  1. run like hell
  2. call best friends, secure alibi
  3. report truck stolen

Thats pretty dumb :hang:


You mean instead of:

  1. Call cops
  2. Proudly pose for pictures
  3. Make thread on internet

I bet his conversation with Geico will be something like “Yeah, hi. I need to file a claim. I was driving my car on a frozen bay and it fell through the ice. Yeah it was on purpose. I thought the ice could hold it. What do you mean you won’t cover it and you’re dropping me? Hello?”

From the original thread over on the Rochester board, a little before 1pm today…

Right now i think its in the DEC hands, I heard they hired a contracting company to extract the vehicle and the DEC will be supervising, and all expenses will be paid by the owner… This is definatly not a laughin matter

Kid is officially fucked if that’s really the case.

DEFINITELY not good for business… i feel bad because it sucks when a moment of stupidity costs anything over $1000 AND WE KNOW that this is heading in way excess of that…

No surprise considering what website it came from. Fucking morons.

Kid MUST be a windowlicker. Or think he’s jesus. I don’t understand how he could logically think that this wouldn’t happen. I wonder what his parents are saying… hahah.