Finally going to do it, me thinks...

“Moron factor” Taken out the R6 and liter bike have something in common. They are not forgiving of mistakes. A responsible rider will be fine, but a responsible inexperienced rider is still in danger of S.R “Survival reactions.”

The bigger bikes have far less room for mistakes vs the 250. I figured the R6 wouldn’t be any different than the 250 I had grown used too. I was wrong my first day on the r6 I spun out the rear in a turn resulting in a near highside.
I realized then and there I had to relearn everything with this bike.
The throttle was a power house vs the 250
the brakes don’t take kindly to you grabbing a fist full
You had better Commit to a turn once you start one on the r6, S1000RR whatever.

Now how many guys have died in the past 2 or 3 years of riding seasons in our area on bigger bikes. I doubt any of them took the time to learn on a 250 & thought the 600 or 1000 is fine, further more how many of them say “I’m actually not a good rider I need to learn more about riding.”
What I heard in my short time of stopping at D&D is how fast everyone thinks they are or how many times they out ran the cops.

not one of them admitted to any faults in their riding style. Don’t even get me started on the
“I don’t need to wear this in this because I’ll never crash” rap.

All I am saying is you can start on a bigger bike yes, your lack of experience will catch up with you trust me on that.

You can die on a 250, but you are far less likely to do so.

I respect the OP for his clear thinking.