Finally going to do it, me thinks...

I got a new set of head bearings (preemptively) since I hear a LOT of people having issues with the stock head bearings on the 300 and asked Matt’s Honda (who I bought the bike from) about replacing them and he said 1) not to worry about it yet and 2) that it would be like $250 or so to install. Is that a fair price for something like that?

I got All Balls ones that are tapered. They weren’t expensive at all, but the service to install them is crazy.

[ame=“”]Brand new Harley - YouTube[/ame]

Alpine, can you go jump off the 787 interchange please? It would do the world a favor. Troll.

Regarding the bearings…definitely, like all the other Ninja 300’s with the issue, a decent amount of wobble when deceling from 50 to about 40 (tried it from different gears thinking maybe it was the RPM’s/engine breaking) and different speeds (from 60, 70, etc.). Also, on the exit ramp that just got paved going from I-87N to Wolf Road, at 75mph, got a bit of a wobble which freaked me out. WTF.

This bike has 3 major issues, IMO, as it’s a ‘new model year’.

  1. Fairings have popped out on many peoples’ bikes. My left fair was fixed when I had the first service done. Kawasaki is aware of the problem. They changed some of the mounting bolts and had to screw everything in a particular order.
  2. The ECU has some stalling issues for some people (NHTSA is investigating) in the first few minutes of riding. I haven’t had this issue yet.
  3. The head bearings are going out on people at like 3-4kmi. I have 2,200 on mine.


Settle down bro

post pics of the damage

What damage? Just a scratched calf, turf toe, and a bent lever. Sliders saved the rest of the bike. Hardly anything to write home about.

Shoulda got a 600.


How did you get that kind of scrape on your calf? Were you wearing Moto pants?
and how did you manage to get a Turf toe injury? it sounds to me like you have either bought inferior gear or you are not wearing it.

I was going to church, so no, I was not wearing my gear (at least, not my jeans and boots).

Hence why you dress for the fall not for the ride.

If gear is going to be an issue in my destination I simply don’t take the bike.

Then again, it’s never been an issue, I even rode to interviews.

Too each their own. I’m not going to say it’s right or okay. I full accept any and all responsibility for the times I don’t wear some or all of my gear. I’m not ATTGAT…I’m UTTGAT. It is what it is.

Thats the mind set thats most confusing to me.

I completely understand if you’re one or the other. You’re either all gear as you understand the risk and know that you want to be protected, or you wear no gear as you don’t care for the risk and just don’t think you’re going to crash. Both mind sets make sense.

However buying up all the gear and spending money and then not wearing it is baffling.

The baffled look of the people when you have to explain to them why you’re rashed up after your crash even though they usually see you in gear explains it all. It’s stupid.

“Why weren’t you wearing your gear that time? :eek3”

“Don’t you have that very nice and expensive protecting gear? Where was it? At home?”

Old member here used to ride around in his one piece race suit for most of the rides we went on. He crashed while wearing jeans and a hoodie a mile from his house right in front of me. Rash all over the body, broke his leg from hitting the car with the bone sticking out, was out of commission for over a year. You can bet he felt like an idiot after.

Please tell us u were riding in shorts

Ilya: Puttin’ the LOW in LOWES since 2013. :rofl

All it takes is one inattentive driver making sudden left turn in front of you.
Wear gear all the time, or don’t bother with it at all.