finally got a laptop

if you’re ghey.

fuck that, I don’t want one of those pussy boxes, but if you have to get some fruity computer, why get the obsolete shit?

because it runs my CAD programs just the same… you can’t run updated AUTOCAD on Mac.

Shit, i can’t run any of my CAD programs on Mac.

1- AutoCAD 2006 - nope
2- Rhino3d - nope
3- 3dstudio Max - maybe, put probably nope
4- Bryce - nope
5- SolidWorks - nope
6- ProE - nope

C’mon. now…of all the people on this forum, i figured you’d the the only person to properly identify a plastic “pussy box”

Nice dood

7200 Laptop HDD for the mother fuckin’ win

I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to Corey, hence the use of quotations…

I posted that before the MacBook came out. I won’t have $2000 to spend so I’ll wait for the cheaper ones. Hopefully they’ll still be toilet seat cover-esque. Gosh knows if I’m not going to be getting anything done on the computer it might as well look sweet!

gotcha now. :wink: