Finally, Someone Has Cleared Up --- The Dot.

pretty funny, i dont think anyone should be offended its obviously just a joke.

Lawl. People who can’t laugh at racist humor are idiots.

If someone says “I hate insert racial sect here” with conviction, yeah, racism should get the boot down, but only because people who blindly hate others for no reason other than their skin or beliefs are so ignorantly blind they don’t really deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us.

Meanwhile, I’ll be telling this joke at the dinner table tonight. I expect great results.

that just made my day…lol…

lol that was pretty funny! hahaha

hahahahah great joke. just got a good chuckle here at work

number one pet peeve in the world is getting fucking india on the phone when i need customer service. i don’t care how smart they are, or how much they know english. i cannot understand them. i repeat everything atleast twice. and still i spend an hour on the phone for something that takes 20 minutes if i were to talk to someone that knows english.

you know i read that joke in an email like 3 months ago and i still lol’d… geez

Haha, awsome.

Weak joke. I could smell the punchline a mile away…much like an FOB Indian :o

i just wouldent want to marry one, its like your being video taped 24/7 but the good part is after you get tired of that you have a good target…


Why is it always the brown people that don’t appreciate these jokes?

I bet if Russell Peters told that joke, you’d all laugh.

You brown bastards!

i thought it was funny back in 1998 when i heard it