
3.5 - pens
+.5 (parking garage)
7.5 - casino
= 11.5 * 30 year lease
=55 mil?

It will be state money, which is taxpayer money. AT least those fuckers in Philly will have to pony up some $$ for US for a change.

no local taxes will be involved


“him”…> Go fuck yourself~!!

i’m sorry that i’m not happy about dishing out 300 million for a new arena… you think that it’s just going to appear and the people of pittsburgh aren’t going to have to deal with the circumstances surrounding it??? wtf???

so they are going to tear down mellon arena? that’s ridiculous… then just rebuild some piece of shit arena for the penguins who don’t even want to stay here unless that happens? that’s beat… i’m not too sure if you noticed, but pittsburgh traffic sucks fucking balls… add in years of ‘development’ of the ghetto (hill district) and we have a certified cluster-fuck. sorry that i’m not gung ho about that, which is just going to be one of the ‘issues’ surrounding development.

and it’s not going to be local taxes, awesome… but where is it coming from???

i think blackbelt is right on par… rendell is such an asshole.

I agree with rendell being a douche bag

oh well. ppl can be pissed all they want now, cause its here and its happening so nothing anyone can do about it. the team leaving would probly be worse for the city thann building a new MULTIPURPOSE arena, so whatever.

is this suppose to be something of use to this thread? this just in… it won’t take 30 years to build a 345 million dollar arena… only to pay it off… someone’s gotta front that money…


Are u always on ur rag?:kiss:

unless it pulls us in a NBA team i could care less.

but at least the city didn’t loose its hockey team…which i think would have been bad.


cricket > ultimate frisbee > bowling > curling > hockey

:bowrofl: Ever heard or played frisbee golf?

lol…no but i’ve seen it played in schenley park…
there are always some interesting charaters playing it though

i’m not on my rag… it’s just stupid to think that we (as tax payers / residents) aren’t going to see some NEGATIVE aspects of this new multi-purpose entertainment facility LOL…

i mean come on… if you bulldoze a house in the ghetto and build a mansion, you still have a house in the ghetto… ya know? it’s not like pittsburgh is some huge sprawling area… it’s about as big as a refrigerator box… so add in some destruction and construction in an already conjested area and sit back and watch the cluster get fucked…

oh well… i’m glad the pens are staying… i’m also curious about the spec sheet that is going to get released… i don’t think the democrats in philly are going to be happy about footing the bill, if that is infact true… good, rendell needs to GTFO…

and it’s hard for me to imagine the city worse off if the pens left… take that 300 million, throw 20 million at the current arena… and save the rest.

I have played it b4 and it is actually fun man, i played it in schenley:bigthumb:

it’s called disc golf! and is better than hockey for sure. :slight_smile:

Ah yes. i forgot the acual name for it. Whatever it is called it is fun man…

this made my afternoon :slight_smile: