
nga plz :greddy:

I’m looking at the big picture. Obviously.


well the big picture starts with paying 300 million for an arena… so i’m curious as to where that money is going to come from!!?.. thank god it’s not local tax revenue… but i’m going to guess that it’s still coming from you and me…


madden’s bit with hulk hogan as a guest apprance at the meeting…FUNNY ASS SHIT… “when i picked up that big fat nasty smelly governer and slammed him in front of all my hulkamanics” “whatcha gonna do NHL when sidney crosby and the new arena run wild on YOU!”

but sonny i know what you mean about mansion in the ghetto, the northside sorta has 279 as a barrier. between the river and 279 its pretty ok, other than that, your are into shitty places. with the arena and the Pete…your right up against it.

somehow someway you are probably right. I’m just glad we are assured the pens for another 30 years. The talent and revenue they will bring into the city this generation will be unparalleled…accept for maybe the Steelers, as usual.

I’m sure your boys Bush and Chaney could indirectly pull some money out of this countries ass somehow, I mean, where else could they have gotten the money to pay for Operation Iraqi Freedom. :rolleyes:

:smiley: :booty:

in all truthfulness, the pirates bring more anually than the other two. 81 games… thats 81 days and nights of people spending money at establishments, 81 days of parking revenue, 81 days of out of town fans staying in hotels… I could careless about i work for the pirates but this city is under the assumpetion that steelers bring in all this money, granted they do bring a lot but they can’t touch the buccos. As far as for themselves…yes, the steelers are the bread winners but money for the city, no. their popularity is a false gauge of money they generate.

Fshowcars you are a idiot and have no idea what you are talking about…so STFU…you are like a chick,…aint ever happy unless you are bitching about some gay ass shit you know nothing about and look at with a narrow point of view where you make weak lame ass arguments to prove you are right…then if you are proven wrong you will then try to flip shit around…to sum it all up get that lame ass emo shit out of here:drama: :drama: :drama:

Not too hard to understand to build a public facility you will need some public money. Not that much public money was used…maybe 10 million. The rest comes from casino and Pens. The civic Arena was built in the early 60’s and is one of the oldest venues for a major city, it would have needed replaced in the near future anyways(it is way past due now) Look at any other city where they build any venue, public $ is always used. You seem to miss the point this facility can be used 365 days/year and it way more useful than a stadium. As for you whole it is in the Ghetto…well no shit, but there is a thing call redevelopment…why leave a shitty area shitty when there is a opportunity to improve it…you need to put your hate of hockey/sports aside and view it for what good it does for the city, and in the end the city got a good deal out of it too considering how much$ that area will pull in now …Sorry if I offended you but I just tell it how it is I am sure you will get over it:love:

we should put the arena on the north side, and the arena gets more use than heinz field or pnc. something like 280 days a year the arena is used.

Anyone in favor of taking up a collection for the naming rights? I’m thinking, the Fuck You Rendell Arena

Smart man

the thing is we were going to build a new arena in a few years anyway. why not just build it now? the penguins use it about 30 percent of the time. other than that there is concerts and such, which wont come to pittsburgh now because mellon arena cant support their shows.

i still think if they brought in an NBA team it would help.
this could cover the other half that the state/people are paying for?

i dont know all the politics i just know that arenas with both teams do better.
but i guess the casino will try to carry that load that an NBA team would cover.

we need to try & lure the Sonics here…they might be headed to KC who was also trying to get the Pens…if they don’t settle a deal in seattle.

orlando, portand & Oak City also are having problems but i hear if any of them leave Vegas is probably going to get one.

why do we have to build a new arena??? mellon arena is a trademark of pittsburgh… use bics misconception of redevelopment(that means to develop somewhere for a first time, not a second and a third) and redevelop the current arena??? i guess lets just tear it down and put a bigger venue into an already deemed small place and see how it works… i’m anxious to see the build plans.

  1. concerts that are too big go to PNC park and starlake… so yeah… that’s about that!

don’t be all high and mighty… all i was saying is that i’m eager to hear where the money is coming from and how… my last post was about an hour + before rendell spoke, so stfu… way to point out the obvious after the fact big guy…

don’t be pissed at me… i still think it’s jive… i don’t hate hockey or sports, i just don’t ride balls like you… i understand why the term ‘public money’ was used… excuse me, as i don’t have an economy degree, but does that mean it’s money from the public??? as in the old stadium debacle that instantly raised overall taxes and fucked the public for years on end?

oh well… i’m surely not the only one that is still unsure as to how this is going to be achieved without costing the public money and heahaches… i guess we’ll see… rendell says it won’t cut out of the property tax reassessments and that it’s money “on the side”…right… and it’s also interesting that he talked about raising taxes state-wide about a week before the announcement of going with ‘plan B’…?

It is no misconception a new arena was needed. Not only for the NHL but for many other events it was NEEDED to get a new arena. New arena’s will generate a lot more $ than the current arena…don’t get me wrong I love the Igloo but it is time to go to stay competitive not only for hockey but for many other events. I think the city was in need of a new arena more than the 2 stadiums consider how much an arena is used compared to stadiums. I am sure it will cost the public $ and some headaches but in the end Pittsburgh will be a bit nicer and I am sure the city will actually make more $ (after paying it’s portion) than it would if the Igloo was just remodeled. So you see I am not “ball rider”, I am just some guy with some common sense and it able to look at the big picture. I just think it is funny how people will/are getting mad about something that is well over due and will help improve their city…when no taxes will be raised. As for your redevelopment comment, Look at what PNC Park and Heinz Field did for that area. The new designs for new stadiums and arena now put a lot more into the design other than a place to hold events…there is a lot more thought put in how to not only make more $ but to make it a more “developed” area. Salt wash the salt off and kick back and enjoy. :slight_smile:

dude… just by capitalizing the word NEEDED doesn’t carry any more weight… why is it NEEDED??? i don’t get it… why say anything about the stadiums? that’s a dumb comment… welcome to the past, something that cannot be changed. if, in your mind, there is no other solution other than building a new arena, then ok… i see your point, albeit it’s being blinded by your idea that a new arena is NEEDED…whereas i do not think this is the case…

oh well… lets see how the public feels about it once it gets down on paper…

Fair enough about waiting to see whatthe public thinks. Even though half the people in Pgh are complete idiots. The point of the word “NEEDED” is the Igloo is extremely outdated and cannot produce the cash flow the newer venues can. In that sense it is “NEEDED” in order to keep Pgh competitive with other similar markets. That is my point about the new arena/stadiums. in the end the city will make more $ and improve it’s status because of it. The thing I do hate though is there is a lot going on in the past 5-6 years and the next few years…all around the city in general. That costs a lot of $ and causes a lot of construction…but that is how it is and we all will have to deal with it. I think after the next 5 years Pgh will be a much nicer city than it was 5-6 years ago…and in turn will take in more $.

Opinions are like assholes…everyone has one

I agree 100%, but to add to that some people are more down to earth and base their opinions on obvious facts

& pittspeed has Sleeper