Financial experts say recession ends by year's end

I dont care what some of you think, this dowtirn is not about consumer confidence. It is about debt and how our economy is drowning in it. Sure spending might pick backup, but our underlying problems are still there and will not magically disappear. All they are doing now is shifting the debt around. Until someone takes the loss we are all in this mess together. I personally find it disgusting that the good people have to share the losseven thoughthey never saw the profits like those who caused it

It was caused by more people than can possible be held accountable for it. It was caused by everyone who took out a larger mortgage than they can afford, every bank who created the policies where those mortgages could be offered, every middle manager or sales agent that hooked the buyers on those mortgages, every financial products salesperson who bundled up the worst and tried to divide them up to make a quick profit and stick others with the loss. It was caused by the government for both too much regulation (requiring loans for subprime buyers), and for too little (not controlling excesses that made easy money accessible for those morally corrupt enough to take advantage of them), by CEOs who encouraged this behavior, boards who retained those CEOs, and shareholders who nominated those boards. The shareholders were both rich and poor (largely through mutual funds), and those poor are just as much to blame for not wisely investing their money.

We’re all to blame. We created an untenable system. We tolerated an untenable system. Now we’re all paying for it.

What we NEED is to get more production domestically. We need to increase the real production of our economy, so that our trade deficit disappears.

To do that, we need to decrease unemployment, and improve our infrastructure so that our economic activity is more efficient.

We’re working on that. If we keep working, the rest will fall in line. Maybe by the end of the year!

You just solved the economic crisis! Lets get these words off to Washington asap!!!

GENERALLY, YES, these are the basic solutions to our problems, but you also dont know of any unforeseeable issues to come which will take us right back down one peg. Thats where the basis of my argument comes from.

Go away… I inserted the ethereal quotation to illustrate a point, not to support a candidate. It would just be nice to not degenerate a discussion to politics, for once.

Define “ends”.

If we print a million dollars for everyone is that the “end” of the recession because eveyone is a millionaire?

Haha and here we go!

I would disagree that our solution is just to get the economy going again, as usual. I feel that what is required is a more drastic reformation of how money is created and managed in our economy. I don’t feel that we can continue the traditional growth model of under-capitalized businesses and “creative” investment instruments.

The quotes I added were not to support a candidate, but to add to the fact that both quotes were off base IMO.

I personally didn’t support either candidate.


Illuminati conspiracy theories in 5… 4…

I just fear the over-politicizing of this issue. Politics ≠ intelligence

I can see a lot of truth in that…at least I hope…

going from a super gay economy to a gay economy is still the end of a recession. The 9/11 recession ended in early 2002 technically and we lost jobs for years after that.

LOL…who would have thought transitioning to a mere gay economy would be something we celebrate. :wink:

Were Americans damnit…to the moon with the DOW already. I don’t like this lack of instant gratification.

not too stray too far off topic, but did anyone else see this week’s south park episode about the economy? So funny