Buffett says US in recession + new manufacturing report!

…And I believe in the Buffett.


Buffett said that “from a common-sense standpoint right now, we’re in a recession,” though the U.S. economy has not yet recorded two straight quarters of declining gross domestic product, a traditional indicator of recession.
He said the environment is “nothing like '73 or '74 yet,” referring to a deep economic downturn also marked by rising oil prices, higher inflation and falling stocks.

Oon the bright side, there will be a lot of cheap investments on the market :mamoru:

As my dad said. “Hey its like everything will be on sale!”

I’m glad I’m damn near broke. What am I going to lose, both dollars I have in the market? :mamoru:

We’ll be fine, Obama’s going to pull us out of NAFTA and all will be good again.

Well, except that Canada will then re-negotiate our access to their oil which would cripple us.

But saying NAFTA is bad sure makes for a great sound byte doesn’t it?

And the worst part is they seem less concerned about the trade issues than the environmental issues. How about we deal with our own energy and polution issues before trying to tell other countries how to deal with theirs.

Yea im getting to the point where im starting to consider pulling some out and just putting down more on the house. But most of my money im leaving in and will “ride it out”.

You’ll definately lose those… when inflation bloats up, animal herd feed cost increases, industrial processing cost swells because of the increase in fuel cost… You see what I’m saying?

Dude, bro, this wasn’t an Obama thread.

Sorry, right… old rich guy says we’re in recession. Yep, agree. Now lets discuss how to make it a short small one, not a huge damaging one. :slight_smile:

Take over Venezuela?

Shit gets expensive?

So i was thinking all day about a plan to fix the problem and here is what i concluded. Everyone should max out their credit cards buying stuff that they dont need and cant afford to srimulate the economy. Then with all of the moey entered in the market the trickle down effect will wash out any possible consequences. Wait…WAT!

Inflation is the answer. It effectively makes all of our debt smaller, right?

You might be on to something there. Let an industry grow out of control while being poorly managed. Then when it seems like there is no way to fix it, have the government take it over. You know, like health care.

or residential mortgages?


So you are saying when you go to pick up your universal health care card you should get a plasma too!!! Or with the money saved on health care buy a plasma for every room AND A NEW CAR!!!

Everyone should already have a plasma though. They were supposed to go out and buy them on their credit cards the day they heard about the economic stimulus check they were getting. So put the 2nd plasma in the bathroom, or make a coffee table out of it or something.

yarrr… trickle down of a different means.

Now is the time to pull out of dead end investments, and pick up some cheap / value investments… since its all play money.

Okay, you’re not as old, nor as rich… how do we fix it?

Other then the US taxpayer subsidized LCD TV plan. :roll2:

Now is the time to pull out of dead end investments, and pick up some cheap / value investments… since its all play money.

Okay, you’re not as old, nor as rich… how do we fix it?

Other then the US taxpayer subsidized LCD TV plan. :roll2:

But, but… Bush said it’s only a “slowdown.”


I can’t wait for my distraction, er… stimulus check!

I wouldnt like to call any of my money “play” money i work too hard for that. All play money wtf im damn sure not all of my money is “play” money. As most people with a good balanced portfolio i have a certain amount i would call “high risk” and with that i will move it around as i see fit. Shit if i know how to fix it. If i had those kind of answers i wouldnt be sitting over here right now. But IMO americans just need to stop living beyond their means. Untill that stops we will continue to have these issues.