FIOS in the area?!?!

im driving on angle rd in OP coming up on milestrip, and i see a sign that looks a lot like a reality sign in the front yard of one of the homes. it catches my eye as i drive by “FIOS installed here”.

anyone have it in the area yet?

Enter your home phone number.

DSL is available at my house, but not FiOS :frowning:
If it’s in OP, it’s getting closer! PowerLink $40/month. FiOS $44. hmmm… tough choice… considering its 2Mbps faster download, and way faster upload!

Oh well. PowerLink is fast enough for me for now :slight_smile:

I’ve been waiting for FIOs to get up here for 7-8months now lol

“ok mam, what were gonna do now is gonna go ahead and lower your fiffo buffers”

Word I am switching as soon as i get a chance, once TV is offered im gonna be golden.

actually theyre lowest is 34 a month, and thats still 5/2. lol fasterthan adelphia right there.

I giggle at this thread.

[quote=“Bitch from 561 area code”"]
What does my dog have to do with this?

God I hated dial-up tech support. >_<

talked to one of my customers who is a higher up in the dsl department. said jewlett holmwood is all strung. EA wont be good till 08. o wells, hopefully i’ll be outta this state by then

Client Logic FTL.
“Here’s your reference number, restart your computer and call back.”

has to be worse than adelphia tech support. BTW you looked miserable on your way in man.


Job hate + bad week prior + SHO kicking my ass time and time again. And I further hate the fact my wrx sounds like it has a “supercharger”. Plus racing withdrawl… neeeeeeddd more raceage.

So yes I am feeling quite emo. :slight_smile:

And dial-up is so much worse it’s not even funny. People expect the world when they pay $5.99 a month. XD

HAHA, u forgot the defrag…


Defrag fixes everything!!11

You only get the defrag if you’re a pay call and its costing you $1.99 a minute.

I personally loved the “Oh, I used to be with Juno man they sucked. Ever since I went to NetZero it’s been so much better!”

or vice versa. :lol:

My last day there rocked. “Um, yeah, ive decided that your problem is located between your keyboard, and chair.”