Fire Wood for my Fireplace.

I have a bunch that has been around for a few years. Price = FREE. Come and get it.
I will never burn it all before it rots.

Call Bill at 864-3631. He’s selling mixed hard woods for $90 per facecord delivered to most areas.

Just ordered 2 cords to be delivered friday.

I have approximately twenty small logs that you can have for free if you want to pick them up. Let me know.

Is it chopped, split and stacked?
If it is, I could grab it by the truck/trailer load and just charge people delivery… my brother could use the money right about now.

^No but it varies from 4" to 9" diameter so it is small enough for a fireplace.
Seriously you can’t beat the price. free lol.
If it sits another year it will be too old so it needs to get used this year.

Is it stacked or will he be collecting it from the surrounding woods? lol.

If its stacked or easy to get at, and in 18" lengths or shorter, can you PM me your # and addess. I’ll get ahold of him and see if we can’t get that stuff out of there for you.

It is not “stacked” but it is in a pile he can back right up to.
18" lengths.

Take mine too. 1’ to 1.5’ and 4 to 7" in diameter stacked.