Firearm BS thread

They are a great entry level 1911, I’d let the HK, Bul and Springfeild go for $1050 shipped to your FFL, the Alchemy with mammoth tusk grips would be $4K

You know what I just remembered to do? To recertify my pistol permit. Anyone else?

I put it on my google calendar way back when this passed so I did it a while ago. It’s already on the calendar for 2026 too…


I was a few…years late. But they accepted it and now I’m good to go lol.

Seems like a good price, but it will still be a while before I but another handgun.

My permit is up in December. I’m holding off as I hear you lose the time if you renew early.

Are you saying that Erie county office did NOT give you a hard time for being late?

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I’m shocked the state let you slide on that renewal being late. I assumed within a few days of missing the renewal the police would show up at my house to confiscate my pistols.

I have the recurring reminder in my calendar too. I think for Dec

Ghost guns are a major problem.

Lets turn that shit into a CIA money printer.

I’ll just sell mine for $1 each with a donation to me on the side of $1999. Idiots

$1 retail and $999 shipping/handling charge.

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I’m pretty sure there’s already case law where making something cost prohibited effectively = a ban on that thing. But they’ll try it anyway.

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So. I’m thinking of going featureless.

I hear this is not awful and keeps removable mags.
Any comments from those that have tried either pinned mags or featureless?

I’ve used an AR with fixed mag. Had one of those “speed loaders”. IMO I don’t like it. Never loaded all the rounds successfully. Very possible I was doing it wrong, but having removable mags is my preference. Even if that makes less cool.

I suggest going IDONTGIVEAFUCKANYMORE. This way you dont have to deal with bullshit restrictions.


^ This. They’re all going to be illegal soon anyway. Build it the way you want and don’t let the government know you own it. Really limits your options for going out shooting though.


Anyone have any idea how the rifle license is supposed to work? The law says it goes into effect 19 days from signing… Which is this weekend :thinking:

call FFL you allegedly may have one being delivered to and ask them if they’re aware if it’ll be required yet when yours allegedly would arrive

my dad hasn’t renewed his paper one since 1970 something or whatever. got new ones and coregistering mine, and they said ok you’ll need a card next time so bring photograph from Walgreens. they dont care.

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no truth to that. for the love of god, buy things you’d feel comfortable taking to war, not the cheapest garbage you can find

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