firefox help

does anyone know to have two favorite bars?

i just downloaded ff 3.0 and before i kinda rigged it to have two favorite bars, but one i couldnt right click to open in a new tab, i had to open a blank page then click on it.

i really want to be able to have 2 right-clickable tool bars


12 hour bump!

what do you mean by favorite bar?

its a bar you can drag and drop/organize your links… its like bookmarks but easier.

I have 2.0 on this computer… I’ll look when i get home.

have you tried to just file them into folders? so you don’t need two favorite bars

shit, i DLd 3.0 as well. I have to dig up how to fix my ALT+S again.

yea i am un-impressed with the new version.

i used to have two rows of clickable bars. the second one i coundnt right click open in new tab, but it worked enough. i dont like having to go from the book marks drop down.

i was going to add a pic, but putfile is being g@y and on a side note i cant log into myspace either, it just keeps resetting to the main page. i even tried it on explorer. argh!!!