
Fireworks such as bottle rockets, mortars and firecrackers. If someone were to buy with the intent to deploy said fireworks where would one purchase these? I know of individuals that went to CT last year, and were disappointed that they do not sell anything but ground stuff, and the only aerials were roman candles and small multi shot bricks.

My co worker just got back from Virginia beach and they didn’t sell them, and he stopped in MD on the way back and was outa luck too.

Phantom Fireworks in New Hampshire had quite a selection last time I was there. Or you can go to PA I am pretty sure, but I have never been there.

I got some good motars and stuff at Messes Fireworks down in PA. They have a good selection, I think the motars were only like 1-3/4" or 2" in diameter but they put on a good show.


PA rules.

Be careful. Somehow it’s a big issue down here and they are cracking down.

Ah just bring them up to my place and we can blow shit up. I’ve always got lots of junk shit to blow up around here.

PA for sure if you’re going out of state. I might grab some shit on my way back up from NC next week. Feel like starting a ruckus in the hills here. I can bust out the 2"x 10’ bore stainless barrel “potato” cannon again if one really gets bored(ssssssssshhhhhhhhh ;D )

We went to pa and got them but new hampshire works just as well

My brother got a bunch of them from Phantom in PA. Theyre fairly cheap there.

PA is the place to get them. My girlfriend’s cousin went down to PA to get supplies for the 4th and came back with the largest arial fireworks one can legally buy w/o a license (or w/e you need to get to purchase full out cannons).

It’s cheaper to confiscate then drive down and get your own :ponder

iu no this is late but i was boerd and was looking around on here go to pa and the place is called spectacular fireworks it 2 hours form albany and we go down every year and spend 4000 there big shit to if your looking for 500 gram shells

i went to phantom fireworks twice this year, their new store is only about 1hr 40 mins from hear in PA. the good thing bout their store its BOGO so plan to be able to pack double of what ever you purchase :banana

PA it is. NH was abust last year. We need to stock up for the labor day party on the lake. Anyone want to make a run down with me? prolly go in a few weeks.

i dont get why theyre illegal in NY, has there been too many incidents where ppl set other ppls homes on fire? cuz i dont mind the idiots blowing themselves up, thats just natural selection at work