FS: 4th of joooooly related items...

Its a good amount of crap. Tons of big firecrackers.

What I paid a while ago:

Mortars :$20
Assload of bottle rockets: $15
Brick of firecrackers: $30
Ton of loose bigger firecrackers (the silver things): $20
Other loose shit: $20

Total: ~$100

Give me $70, and have a nice little collection of firewerks (euro spelling)


*** NOTICE: These are located in Pa, YOU MUST GO THERE TO GET THEM*** :wink:

edit: with approval from hawaiian!

itā€™s in pa, itā€™s all good

damn PA location

yeah its really a bitch

pa is like an hour away, stop being a girl

$50, and ill get them for youā€¦

Are you serious?? :meh:


will you seperate?


dude carl

bottlerocket me!

I want them but PA is 2.5 hours for me.

Iā€™m 35 mins from PA :slight_smile: I could get anything .

omfg. theyre in PA :wink:

see the :wink: ?


firewerks are legal to sell in PA people thats why they are for sale down in PA :wink:
BTW if you wana part out some ā€œgo boomā€ stuff let me know I donā€™t care how strong it is just want something loud.

You = Painful

Canā€™t afford more than the leftovers I have, involving one mortar tube, and some larger firecrackers.

Dense = The_Russian > Block of lead.

I can get New Yorkers all day for $50, Ewo jimaā€™s for $75, $75 for a gross of M-80ā€™s, $11 for a half stick of dynamite. I can get all the loose shit like grosses of lady fingers, bottle rockets, black cats, etc. I can also get Mortors, there the best. 3,000 roll firecrackers.blah blah blah

Thats what i get the shit for, if you want it add $10. The new yorker are pretty fun, half sticks of Dynamite leave huge 3 foot dents in the ground.

hahhaha at myself. Seriously i want them. How do i get them. now that i realized they aint in fucking PAā€¦

Thanks fuzzy for thatā€¦rofl

give them to meeee

ill give u 20 for the mortars, no haggling needed

Motars are the best.