WTB: things that go bang

real firecrackers were fun when i was a kid…
nothing like the cheeze ones you can buy today…

any idea where to find good ones?

you already have one. its a turbo cavy

sorry… i just couldnt help myself

I don’t think they make M-80s anymore :frowning:

M-1000s are the :gay2:

I think the fireworks stores in PA always have good ones…


just over the PA border off the 90 :tup:

Be careful, I almost lost an eye last 4th

in the back of my van:snky: :snky:

i’ll be heading back to buffalo the on june 30th for the weekend if you want me to pick some stuff up for you on the way, just paypal me some money and what you want. A friend of mine might be making a run down to NC to pick up some big redneck blow up the world type stuff, i can let you know when he’s gonna do that too.

2" by 9" - $30 a piece :wink:

i’d rather not blow out all my neighbors windows :lol

nice m-80s would be good enough for me…
real ones, not like the crappy firecrackers you get from teh stores in PA…

as far as I know the good ones are outlawed or something?

they have these gay big red firecracker things, forget what they’re called, something stupid like M-90’s or some ripoff of the original, and they no joke are quieter than the regular wolf pack firecrackers i got…really a let down


fireworks are lame

pipe bombs FTW!


have you ever considered buying an rx-7? :gotme:

i had to…

man there are like eleventy billion places i can go with that…

Says the man with motor problems… :smiley:

well… I have not seen the house full of illegal fireworks busted on the news yet…


haha that’s what an m80 shrunk into, I remember the days when we used to go fishing with k1000’s with two spark plugs tapes on each side.

Yeah I got these M-1000s…they were so weak I could light em off under my boot and like…not even feel it. I still got those 2 big fuckers. I wanna get some REAL M-80s, but the are banned like country wide I’ve heard.:gotme:

im headin down to south carolina next week to pick up my fiance with a shopping list for Pedros/South of the Border fireworks… i dont know if they have better stuff than PA, im assuming so seeing as tho the 2 guys im pickin stuff up for gave me a combined $1200… uggghh… must be nice to have money to blow like that. if i find anything comprable to m80s ill be sure to grab some :slight_smile: