goodness that seems like a glorious waste of money. i’m sure i’ll want one.
I cannot think of any real reason to need that… but then again, nothing cool ever needs a reason
Utterly useless. Who wants to sit and watch HD content on their phone?
I guess it’s cool if you want to hook your phone up to a bigscreen, but other than that it’s pointless.
u only look at 2 sites at work dont u…
u only look at 2 sites are work dont u…
wow :lolham:
I’d just be happy if Vzw did more than slap a new skin on each of their 4 phones and pretend that they’re keeping up with the market. I’ve been ready to give them my money for a while now, but nothing new and good has come out!
Here’s to hoping the 6800 or something comes out soon.
useless, the ccp who will supply this phone better have sick amounts of bandwidth