first one in the GTO!
Yay sarcasm! :slight_smile:


Yay sarcasm! :slight_smile:


Just don’t joke around and offer a head start, you should be ok!

Do u have a LS1 or LS2 GTO?

if theres a nice day soon ill bring my car out and run ya lol its just a jetta.


Do u have a LS1 or LS2 GTO?


He has an 04
04 = LS1

05, 06 = LS2

^^^Ok thanks…lol. I wouldv’e known LS1/2 if Iknew the year. But, thanks none the less. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just asking since there was a cool (clean) LS2 goat at the TGIF on the corner of S.Transit/Rt.5

can’t you get a new gto for less than 20k? i want one for a daily!:smiley:

edit: good kill.

edit: rrsti and that kevin guy have the absolute worst sense of humors ever.


it looked more like a middle aged guy…at least late 20s



good kill buddy!
I’m assuming you sold the truck?


can’t you get a new gto for less than 20k? i want one for a daily!:smiley:

edit: good kill.

edit: rrsti and that kevin guy have the absolute worst sense of humors ever.


thank you!