not to threadjack but i got a question for laduke…my tank is directly in front of a window (yea i knoww) and obv i get algae on the glass and the tank has been set up and running for almost a year, now why is the algae brown and never green, i thought green algae meant healthy algae…i dont have clouding problems or anything it just chills on the glass, ill take a pic
just two different types of algae. You will have different algae blooms in the tank as it goes on . Just feeds off the different nutrients until they are gone then it will die off . Green/brown doesn’t matter.
well thats prob true, piranhas are a naturally skittish fish, shade and low light makes them feel less vulerable (sp?) so sometimes i dont even turn the tank lights on i just let the window light do the work, even if i leave the lights on for days at a time i never get green algae
its a 125G with a HOB and dual canister filter…i dont come accrost too much that i would think would work in my tank, and im not very decor savvy so i suck at setting shit up in my tank