Fish Tank

resently i been thinking of getting a fish tank in my gameroom since i havent had one for many years. but this time i’m thinking of getting about a 55-90gallon tank and just putting about a half dozen red belly piranhas in it.

I know some people on here have some red bellies. wheres some places you can find them? throw a little more info about them at me too.

search and/or

I know elmers should have them or can order them for you

I got a few red bellies that I got from brokeasskorean’s brother. I’d be willing to sell them if you are interested. They’ve gotten much bigger since I bought them. Also, Aquaworld in Emsworth usually has a few. They’ve had a Black Pirahna the last few times i was there as well. Jack (forget his screen name) works there too.

We got baby red bellies for $5.99. I also have some used tanks down there right now…pm me if you need more info or AIM - zexaccord98
