Anybody know where i can get some more red bellies? Before i moved to ATL i wouold get them at Blue Lagoon, now that there gone i cant find anyone local. I came across a place online and there only $10/each but $35 each to ship…
talk to the guy on abbot rd. creekside pets
if not goto the amazon
and 45 bucks each is cheap, i payed 50 for mine plus 100 for my black one.
I have red bellied Pacu’s. Not exactly Pirrannha’s, but it’ll fool most people. IIRC I got them at Markheim on Sheridan.
Otherwise The Fish Place on Oliver in NT is one of the bigger/better fish stores in the area. I might have gotten mine there. I really don’t remember.
The fish place has them, but im not sure if they would sell them without a permit.
i have a pacu already, but just not the same… he will eat feeders and all but i want the real deal again… But thanks buickgn
np, enjoy them, i sure did.
mine ate mice
mine did also lol and hotdogs/balogna/turkey/ Oh yea AND MY 2FT. Florida GARR!!!
well i should say that my black one did, as he was the most aggressive, ate mice and my other piranhas lol
but since they are illegal, the have a huge markup
just get a permit. its not that hard.
no its not, gotta have a good reason tho from what i remember.
No person shall import, export, own or possess, acquire or dispose of live pirhanna fish (Serrasalmus, Rooseveltiella, or Pyrocentrus) within the state without a license or permit issued at the discretion of the department for scientific, biological, or exhibition purposes.
I would totally make room in my wallet for a PIRANHA PERMIT.
How do I get one? lol.
seneca st
email for the guy that issues the permits
blue lagoon was the shit for illegal and hard to get pets, i used to live across the street alot of shady shit was going on there
Just stopped into creekside, they no longer deal with them…they recieved some fines and no longer carry them =(
i know the place in lockport had a huge 500gallon tank filled with about 200 piranahs. They had reds,blacks,golds everything in the same tank, but since they were all raised since babies they didnt bother each other, however since they got in trouble and were all over the news last year for filthy environments for there pets i doubt they will sell them now.