I never knew piranha were such serious business…


Go to PA buy them, drive back

lol figures…

I bought mine from a guy on SP ave. when he was still around.


yeah it was a toilet in there

i guess either goto PA like ron said, or order online or get the permit.

i dont know of any other places.

lol if my cousin can get a bobcat im sure u can find piranhas.

after my oscars die im gonna get me a few of these fuckers
thats awesome shit


that is cool as hell, pix?

he got it taken cause he was too lazy to get a permit


My uncle is a game warden in NY, but the DEC got complaints from the neighbors and came to take it away, he got off with no fines, and luckily the place where he got it took it back.

Im not even sure how he got around the permit thing, since the website states you must have one before purchasing anything. What a ding dong.

There are WAY more ferocious fish that you can buy LEGALLY than a piranha. Piranha’s are over-rated. They get a mean reputation because they breed rather fast, eat all of the food in the small ponds/lakes during the wet season, and then they swim around for weeks literally starving to death. That is the only time they are dangerous as hell. I had 4 whimple piranha’s (the only kind you can buy legally), they were total pussies. I also had a red-bellied pacu. He was a kick ass fish, he ate all of my piranha’s my BIG blue lobster, my sucker fish, chicken fingers, spaghetti, ham, leftover pork chops, whatever the hell I was eating basically.

You need a permit to posess piranha’s simply for the fact that they have the potential to fuck up the local ecology system should you decide to throw 5-10 of them into a small pond. They will eat/breed and spread a little havoc into the area.

Just Pets, In Irving. They get them in pretty often. Look them up online and give them a call, tell them you want to buy some they would probably order some for you.

seneca pet supply on seneca in south buffLO

makes sense.

Kevin, permits to possess piranhas are only allowed for education/research or for display in a place of business. If you would like additional info, check the NYS-DEC webiste or call Jim Zanett at 716-372-0645. Regards, Paul

Email i recieved this am

I never knew the business loop hole

I’d still go with driving down to Bradford it’s an hour and a half each way.
Pick up a keg (no name required and cheap deposit) and fireworks as well.
Then stop at the res on the NY side of the border for cheap gas and cigs.

I don’t drink beer, smoke cigs or play with fireworks, but that was a pretty normal trip when I was at bonaventure.

How about a monkey?

I would call here and check them out:

I got mine from the pet store that was in East Aurora then he moved some place on Transit. I know he is related to the people that own the pet shop on Seneca St. and have picked a few up there as well… Also my piranha lived for over 5 years…