Flash light drags crash!

I heard someone said some video was around on this…anyone know where the link is?

after the commercial

about a minute into it

well no wonder people got hit…they are only 20 feet away at the most…I don’t even stand that close at PRP.

Good thing the Zelie guys do it right…

thats what i was thinkin too


No that was from the video, it was just on the news. In a nutshell, you see the camaro in the picture leaving the line. Gets tail happy, driver should backed outta it but tried to save it. Car locks into a slide (thats the picture you see) and dives right into the crowd which looks no less than 20 ft off the runway to begin with. Thankfully nobody was killed.

It looks to me like a high performance car low performance driver. he should have gotten out of it from the getgo

Dont you guys have Race Wars?? or was Johnny Tran blowin everyone’s doors off?