
what a fucking toooooool bag!

he was down saddle ridge last night, and boy does him and his gf suck.

we were standing around and taking pictures, just hanging out. and all the sudden his gf comes over and says let me see that last picture. my brother is like ok, and she is like yeah you better not be taking pictures of him… everyones like who? and she points to this dude in a suit. we laugh cause we have no clue who he is. then someone tells us that its fleury. so my brother goes over and shakes his hand, just being cool. he blows him off, so my brother goes you suck anyway we want barasso back! hahaha

so then we just kept taking pictures of him and watching his GF get pissed off. then they moved on, it was definitely quite humerous. I will post pics when my brother downloads him off the cam

maybe he should worry more about stoping some pucks from entering the net inmstead of some pics…pittsburgh pens got to have the worse defense in the league

yeah i feel bad for fluery i would pissed all day too if my defense just stood around and screened me every single game

but he does let some soft pussy shit in almost every game

I didn’t even think he was 21 yet. Oh well, who cares… when he stops letting up soft 5-hole goals I’ll care… Right now hes fuckin killin the Pens with teh soft horseshit goals.

was his girlfriend hot?

how about wreget

hahaha :rofl:

not really, i think we have pictures of her too… so we will see. my buddy wanted to bridge him! haha

That’s dissapointing, he should at least be banging one of the hot Pens Patrol girls.

he is good but it is not his defenses fault he chokes every third period.

yea he keeps living up to his rep from Juniors and the AHL of cant make the big save ever

He just needs more time to develop, look at Brodeur, he didn’t hit his prime until he was 28-30. Having absolutely no defense in front of you for 90% of your games doesn’t help either. I still say if he had been here early this season, it would’ve made a huge difference. Even Craig Patrick said the one major mistake he made was not having Fleury here to start the year. (He must think Gonchar’s working out ok.)

gonchar has played really well of late and so has jackman. Orpik does very well too. I think scuderi is their weak link in defense at the moment followed by melichar

back to topic I think fleury is just a little cocky but after a year of 40+ losses I am sure that will put him in check.

look at the history of our city with sports figures who thought they were better than the average person(buress, bonds, etc) they were prosletized and pretty much run out of town

I agree with you about Gonchar, he has really picked it up in the past month or so. He just needs to start putting some pucks in the net, that’s why he’s here.

Gonchar still is doing nothing to impress me… His stupid, lazy, slow penalty (hooking a guy on a 2 on 3 break) put the penguins down to a 5 on 3 and lead to the clusterfuck against Ottawa… Also, his lazy passes and lack of speed lead to BOTH of the shorthanded goals that game.

I dont so much have a problem with the lack of goals from him, its the fact that hes too stupid to adjust to the new NHL rules yet. Its February, he should know them by now.

Ryan Malone has picked it up and Jackman plays good when he plays got a great shot and busts his ass too bad he wants out of here …Melichar is just plain SHIT has been always will be …

Malone has been awesome…overall hes been doin so much (not just points on the board). jackman proved why he shouldnt be scratched yesterday. i cant fault fleury cause hes playin behind the worst defense of all time and hes still young.

sux he seemed like a dick but he was cool when i met him. his g/f sounds like a bitch, i’d prob have to back-hand that hoe.

johnstown chiefs>pittsburgh pens

ho-hum…great story!!!11