Flight Instructor?

anyone here a flight Instructor?



thefranchise is a pilot i believe

I’m a private pilot. I know a couple of flight instructors, if you want to get in touch, lmk

my friend jesse is a flight instructor.

if you put a post up on sektioneight.com, his name is SinSilvia666.

I sometimes play with my mancock and act like I am piloting a plane…If you want I can give you a few lessons free of charge

Mancock? Dare i ask steve?:eek4:

I am a grown ass man…and I have a cock…so it is a mancock as opposed to a littleboycock or midadolescencecock

Manchild cock?:hsugh:

i was just curios to se eif anyone was on here, I may be learning to fly at CCBC in a May or Airquest aviation in butler. i can get college credits before college at CCBC but i would prefer to just learn to fly. But we’ll see waht the future brings.

uh no:finger2:

check at an airport.



He is from Fair oaks and turned emo so i dont know anymore.

So about those TPS reports…

emo= no thanks

Ur car aint fast enuff,so dont worry about!


it would if he had eurodad’s motor.

i don’t want to buy it… and I would prefer flying, chicks love a pilot especially my age. Not to mention the car too.