Flocking thread. Lets flock!

Why the flock hasn’t anyone mentioned flocking the whole exterior of their car :smiley:

no, I bought the Nylon Mini Flocker Kit with the 3oz bag of nylon. Has just enough to to door front and rear door inserts. Problem is shipping gets pricey due to customs and crap if you buy the kit. Expect to pay double for the kit shipped to your door. if you just buy the fibers it’s a lot less expensive. But I wanted the colour matching adhesives aswell.

thats flocked.

Cuz that’s flockin’ retardamented :stuck_out_tongue:

This is some cool shit, I wanna do my panels now!


how is it to clean? do little pieces of general crap inside the car get stuck in the texture? a quick vacuum and good as new?

I could see it being a PITA for the dash if it dosen’t clean nice

IMO, in person, this stuff looks like crap. It looks exactly like you put some glue on a panel and shook a dirty rug on it. Ultra suede is cheap and relatively easy to get to fit most panels. Might as well do it “semi” right if you’re gonna do it at all. (Or go big and get real alcantara)

not my taste but props for gettin 'er done? lol
thread title also misleading :\

Judginf by some of the pics above. It looks like random floaties do get stuck in it. The RDH red car looks like it has cobwebs all over it.

have any better/clear pics of those panels ? doesnt look bad

im bringing this thread back because i want some stuff flocked.

you have any left over shit?

Won’t dust collect on it and pile up, looks pretty hard to clean.

i dont think it would be very good in a drift car

my car gets killed after every event so dusty and dirty

Saw some of this on a race car dash today, didn’t look to bad, but it did look hard to clean -

did u get a chance to go hands on?if so how was the texture? was it nice and soft or kinda like hard and stiff?

It’s on the harder side.

also I don’t have any left over. It was all used for the door panels.

Oh and it’s standing up quite well so far. As for keeping it clean, yeah it will trap fibers, but I’m pretty damn meticulous with my car care so I haven’t found it to be a hassle.

Thats flocking great, well done… I’ve seen this done on dashes before, but thought it was one of those very baller expensive solutions for cutting glare, but apparently not anymore… excited to do this in the future! :slight_smile: