Flowers Auto Wreckers

I made a purchase from them on 01/26/07 for a transmission for my 2000 Elantra. I paid $371 for this transmission and was garanteed it would work since it only had 9,000 miles on it. It was put in by Jeff, and he then informed me yesterday that the transmission was not good. I called down to Flowers this morning and explained to them this transmission was faulty and I wanted my money back. The person I spoke to was very rude, stating whoever installed the transmission messed something up causing it not to work, and he wanted to speak to him. From this point on I am pissed. I called my credit card company for a stop payment and will be sent a form to fill out in the next week or so. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this. I would love to get a three way call with Jeff and Flowers so I can show that this transmisison from then is a piece of shit.


wait. you want a 3 way with jeff?

I do not know the situation or who you talked to, but try Hank, I BELIEVE he is the owner… not sure, but if not he is who I always talk to and they never give me trouble.

I was there yesterday when jeff started it. That trans didnt sound very healthy it was making alot of noise.

your more than likely not going to get a refund until they get teh tranny back and inspect it. inmost cases, the yard will give you a replacement tranny.

flowers is a good yard, they take care of their customers.

this is honestly first time i have ever had anything bad from a salvage yard. i am surew it will get resolved. the yards don’t know the life of every part so it is not like it is their fault.
the trans looks like it was in a flood though. so i have feeeling that may have had something to do with it.

probably what i would do is try for a refund, and if they dont honor it then ask if you can return it for another transmission of equal or better condition.
if those dont work then just fight them for your refund of money.
if they say it was in working condition then they must have some sort of proof or something on paper stating it was in working condition and had no problems or was tested. this is why i dont trust some yards… they’ll pull a motor or tranny and see that it has low miles so it must work great then sell it to you (whenever someone could have got rid of it because of a problem such as engine or tranny)

well what do you expect? you didn’t go out and buy a new tranny from hyundai so you can’t be pissed off that it’s broke… that’s the price you pay man… if you were worried about it, you could of bought it and had a tranny shop rip it apart and check it out prior to installing it…

it was a gamble and you lost… pull the tranny and go to flowers in person with it in the car then try to get your money or another one…


Dont just try to get your money back with giving the product back. And involving the credit card company already, makes it look like you are trying to rip someone off. JUst take it back, get another one, or get you money back…

Most of you are correct. I jumped to conclusion’s before and that was my fault. I will taking off the transmission and taking it down there for them to inspect it, hopefully get a replacement, or a different transmission from them all together.

:cool: Good Luck, hope it works out for ya

THat sounds like what I would have done. The only downside is if you paid for labor to get it put in…

I’m not worried about the labor. This is of my fault on what I bought different parts that I was told would fit. The shop that installed this, 1st-Try, helped me in everyway he could, and I thank him for that. Money is money, I learned my lesson from this.

selling use salvage yard tranny just suck!i do but it drives me nuts,i drove a car about 10 miles ,tranny worked great & fuild was nice,pull it ,sold it tow mounths later,it lasted 100 miles & it only had 5k on it!u just never can tell on some used parts!

after stopping payment and all of that i would say you will be lucky if they dont tell you to fuck off and not help you at all. imo

I didn’t actually stop payment. My credit card company had to send me some bullshit form. I will be looking at it this weekend and going from there.

Good point, I never thought of that…