I have a bit of a predicament... help me out guys.

so. the story goes liek this.

my gf has a mini van. a 2000 chrystler town and country to be exact. we’ve been talking about trading it in on a honda for her, the car just isnt logical for her right now. too big, too much gas money, ect… the car was pretty much a hand me down after she crashed her old car. her mom bought a volvo wagon and gave her this.

so a few nights ago, on her way home from work, her tranny went. long story short, its going to be around 1500 to fix. her dad, of course, doesnt want to spend the money, but he will if he has to.

what i need from you guys is ideas on what to do. the car books at around 6k in fair condition, so its not worth it to just trash the thing. i was going to try to trade it in at a honda dealer for a late model civic or accord, but this happened.

does anyone have the ability to acquire a junkyard tranny and put it in? anything to get around on for a few weeks and then trade it in. im sure if it was cheaper than what was quoted for a new tranny her father would have no problem picking up the tab.

any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks guys.


Good luck sir.

you can probly find one on the internet within a few hours drive for $300-$500

i would think craigslist and car-part.com (although car-part is probly more expensive)

i dont think there is really an option for a caravan forum but that would definetly be the cheapest

that tranny is probably in 100 other cars, just find out the codes and go to town

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/00-01-02-03-Town-Country-Transmission-Rebuild-Kit_W0QQitemZ180026769896QQihZ008QQcategoryZ46103QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p1638.m118 tranny rebuild kit? or there are 3 tranny for 600, if u cant find one at the junkyard

I would first of all attempt to trade it in broken. so what if the dealer gives you $2K less then fixed, it’s worth it to not have to deal with the problem.

I will look when i get home. I have done a trans for someone here before, and i did jeg’s clutch which when it comes down to it is the same thing. I used to be the GM of Aamco so I should hopefully be able to get someone to hook me up on a used trans for a good price. Hell if you really wanted to, i can get you a rebuilt trans for around $900, it would just need to be put in. I can do the R&R however i am pretty slim on time these days.

Btw: you need an A604 (41TE) Transmission

i was going to give this a shot tomorrow actually…

just get it the fuck outta here. im sick of it

theres like 3 FWD auto trannys for all the chryslers of the late 80’s early 90’s, and theres a shit ton of them in the JY

swap cheap tranny
trade immediately
laugh while driving sweet new car

tape that bitch up and trader her in

thats the plan.

just trying to get the word out, i have no idea how to go about replacing a tranny…

if someone can replace it for cheap, like i said, im sure her father would pick up the tab…


hotrodkid, its neither an 80’s or 90’s, they wont work.

Does anyone know exactly what years/models have the exact same trans? I searched around but didn’t find a complete list.

How long have you been dating her?

There are very few situations where involving yourself in a girlfriend’s car trouble will end well for anyone.

Let the Dad handle the hog…

…while you bang his daughter. :tspry:

best advice in the thread. I concur.


we’ve been dating since july, and she is from batavia and pretty much moved here to be with me… so i feel somewhat obligated to help her out as much as i can. and yes im that awsome that girls will drop whatever theyre doing to move an hour away to be closer to me

buying a honda would honestly be the best thing for her. im not spending any of my money on it though, and im def not spending any of my money on the repairs to the van… just trying to help her the best i can.

Dump her

Fix the trans and drive it. It’s almost always cheaper that way. The marketing people just have us programmed to spend 10 thousand on a new one rather than 2 thousand to fix one.

not really, its too much of a car, it breaks all the time, gas is pricey, chryslers suck, ect ect

time for a honda.

The dealer may not give you too horrible of a price on a trade because they know they can fix it for less than you.