FLR Winter Road Rally - Jan 24

Decided to give the new BMW a bit of a workout. Heck it needs shocks in the spring anyway and so what if I had the potential to stuff it into a snowbank, OH DARN I have to buy an MTech2 front bumper :wink: So since Cassie was in need of a car to navigate for I figured ā€œmeh, why notā€ - glad I decided to since it was a BLAST!

Anyway, weather was clear even if it was STUPID cold:


And yeah, it got kinda dirty:


We ended up in 2nd in class / 5th overall (28 points behind first in class / 60 behind overall) - not bad for not having done a TSD rally in over 7 years (and I was the navigator the other times I did it / hadnā€™t ever driven one). The road conditions were ā€œvariableā€ - not BAD really but a few hairy spots, I actually kinda hoped it would start snowing like mad, figured I could get some real use of the Hakka Rs and besides, who doesnā€™t love extreme slip angles, right? :smiley: The car DESPERATELY needs a limited slip thoughā€¦ sigh thanks BMW for sucking at the non-M-car game :frowning:

hahah awesome dave!

LOL ā€œawesomeā€ was the amount of steering adjustments and throttle modulation required ANY FUCKING TIME we stopped and then had to get it back up to 45MPH average speed. Weā€™re talking about completely sideways through mid-3rd gear (as Iā€™d usually have to climb it to ~65ish and then slowly bring it back DOWN to average speed or Iā€™d never be on-track time wise in the first 0.2 miles, heh). Being able to put the power down, and to do so while turning would have been fucking nice. heh - oh, and not having to reach past the multi-function stalk and behind the wheel to reset the ODO every minute or soā€¦ at least its not iDrive though HAHAHA

hahahah I feel your pain on that oneā€¦

I have a nice parking lot I turn into a ice trackā€¦ and it takes me about 4 laps to get up to the proper speed lolā€¦ IIRC its a good 1/4 mile lol

I should grab a bucket of salt and salt the straights lol

I also think I fucked up the bead on my front driverā€¦ I got a slow leak I thinkā€¦ :frowning: which oddly enough the ice chunk cranked the front bumper and tossed it out of alignment.

When it gets warmā€¦ when it gets warm lol

This was a lot of fun (as usual). Dave is a really great driver and would probably make some people nervous, but since I (obviously) know him so well, and know his driving style so well, I never for a second thought we might be in trouble.

He did well at listening to me as the navigator, and I think that showed in our score. There were 13 (14?) checkpoints which is more than usual, which means more potential for points. Walking away at 98 points is good by me :slight_smile: also considering we were working with a digital odometer that only showed 10ths of a mile (other ralliers will understand why that sucks!)

Like he said, the road conditions werenā€™t that bad. I think weā€™d both agree the worst part was a particularly dusty area that had to have been even WORSE for the rest of the 11 cars behind us.

wow thatā€™s word for word what my wife has to explain every time she tells people that she navigates for me for workā€¦ (I drive 250 Miles a day for a Private company my personal car) Im a control freek and hate being a passenger, but she will be writing up paper work or playing on the internet as I drive backroads in a snowstorm, drifting turns:eekdance:ā€¦lol

Im bummed I miss this one, ive done a few RRoad rallys love winter ones.
But great job on the score :tup: