looks like a mw2 level for a sec there
Like the end part. Nice cars.
Definitely watching.
I’ll definetly go see it.
looks sick
Movie has:
Hot skanks
Dillon Aero
Favela gun run
Will watch no doubt
looks awesome, can’t wait to see HAN!
yup will see
ford GT FTW
63 convertible, FTW
Looks incredibly retarded, but I cannot wait to see it in theaters and watch the stunters stunt out of the mall parking lot in FNF style.
as far as FNF movies go… this one looks like it MIGHT actually be a good movie… lol. Doesn’t seem to be the typical FNF.
It looks like an awful movie.
Doesn’t look like an awful movie at all, actually. Looks like it kind of has more to do with somewhat of a non-street racing storyline and more of an action movie with some street racing and nice cars.
Will definitely see it, looks badass
If you go to a FNF movie for the plot, you’re doing it wrong.
I know, I’m just saying…it doesn’t actually look AWFUL
doesnt actually look half bad. ill be seeing it i imagines
so shift 518 movie night?
i’m going to have to re-stock the ihatestickers stickers again… we put up about 200 in the theater for the last one
I am down to go see this
i have a bucket of popcorn on my lap with a hole cut in the bottom :hug
I wouldnt have it any other way