It's official: F&F 5, possibly 6.

Ricers rejoice!

Ryan: Hang on to the Poopra for a little while. This may help resale.

lol @ resale.

I have always enjoyed those movies…wouldnt mind more. Cool.

“The Fast and The Furious 5: Prius vs Insight”…:rofl

Im pumped!!!

so when do we start planning shift night at the theater???

Wooot. Car not for sale! May keep rong time!

crosses fingers Please make R33 GTR the ‘hero’ car… Please make R33 GTR the ‘hero’ car… Please make…

YAY! The only thing Paul Walker is good at is more bad acting. HOORAY!

please make ion redlines the “hero” car… please make ion redlines the “hero” car… please make

please make lifted jeeps the “hero” vehicle… please make lifted jeeps the “hero” vehicle…

LOL, I’m just hoping the value of the car goes up.

nice. i still havent seen that last one yet though.

I heard Paul Walker hired Bakerian as his rice double?


on the other hand…im down for some more bodykits and shitty acting tho… ill probably pay to see this in theatres

The last movie raised the resale of the GN to record heights!

please make fd rx7s the “hero” car… please make fd rx7s the “hero” car… please make

im, sadly, excited to see the movie.

Will absolutely go watch for laughs.

I still havent seen the last two.

Yea they need a good looking dude so they hollered at me.