Fobwall's Track Day! Sep 16th (Dunnville Autodrome)

That’s exactly what I was saying. Big power won’t make you really fast at Dunnville. If you can come out of a corner and start acclerating faster/earlier, you will be just as fast as the “big boys”.

Driver + tires + suspension = king of dunnville

And guys, I’d like to remind you that all spots are FULL. PLEASE do not invite any of your friends to come to Dunnville for the track day. They can come and spectate but in terms of spots, i’m full. I am very surprised at the amount of people that actually wanna come to Dunnville. I definitely never saw this coming.

If everyone still wants to track their car, there might be a chance of another track day in October, either on the 7th or 14th. So let me know if you’re interested.