«OFFICIAL» NYSpeed / OSYN Track Days! [Next: Sat, Aug 22nd] LAST ONE IN '09!?

August 22nd will be our last day out this year UNLESS we can fill the date! If we can get over 20 cars in August, I’ll book another day in September!

And Unfortunately due to recent noise restrictions placed on the track by the local government, our track time will be limited to 6pm. :frowning:

There will be no limit to the number of registered participants and as it stands now, all track dates will be Saturdays from Noon to 6pm. And at the end of each day we’ll be doing time-trials and adding lap times to our leader board :tup:

Click HERE to view the leader Board!

[Click HERE to watch some video clips from previous track days](http://www.vimeo.com/3815788)

Saturday August 22nd, 2009
Noon to 6pm
Dunnville Autodrome

Price: $100 per car

Please read the following “Onyx Syndicate Trackday Handbook” and sign the last page. You won’t be allowed on track if you have not read and signed it! Also, pay close attention to the rules - there have been some important changes for 2009!

Right Click, Save As HERE - Onyx Syndicate Track Day Handbook (Adobe PDF)

[Click HERE to register for this track day!](http://www.onyxsyndicate.com/reg/registration.php) Registered & Paid List: 1) Bing 2) Onyx Z32 3) mikecentola 4) mikecentola x2 5) kurion 6) Maxim 7) rushman 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) ...


if they’re gonna be on saturdays then I might have to schedule one or two long weekends in buffalo this summer

hmmm might have to check this out :slight_smile:

I might come to this. There are so many events in april/may that IDK if i can make this one.

:tup: Bout friggen time!!! This site is such a pissing match is, it will be nice to see where who stands in the most fundamental purpose of this forum.

umm… there was a time trials last year…

Unfortunately I can’t make this event :frowning: I’ll be in san antonio :frowning:

Was it every track day or just a few times? Either way, it was the structured leader board idea I was referring to…

We did it about 3 times last year just to test our timing system and work out the bugs since it’s in beta form.

Click HERE to see last years standings.

Oh wow… I guess I was that out of the loop last season…

Impressive list right there. Nice to see some affordable cars keeping up with gt3’s, although I really have no idea what the time variance should be on a track like Dunnville.

all I know is … I’m coming after Bing.

mod this year for me = Better street tires, and better brakes. No fear of fade anymore :slight_smile:

def doing the time trial this year. the spec always broke by the point the time trial started last year :(. we’ll see how i do.

I’ll be in, but I gotta wait until after I pay my taxes to register and pay. Taxes owned me, yay self employment.

AND THANK YOU for finally MANDATING use of helmets, on passengers as well.

I should be there but I’ll confirm when I get my car going again.

Um… We’ve mandated them since the beginning… :gotme:

+1 lol…

Well then… I saw a LOT of people go out without helmets, passengers mostly, but a few drivers as well. I thought I remembered looking it up and seeing in the previous rules that it was recommended but not required, or not mentioned at all. Maybe I’m just going crazy, it’s been known to happen.

But lets make sure to really enforce it this time around :wink:

no way… I think I saw 1 person ever with out a helmet. and that was mini Bob’s lady friend. which its totally understandable for her to not have her helmet on, unless Bob is really big…

O RLY? I think you’re crazy :slight_smile:

If you were there on a non-OSYN day, then yeah no one would have a helmet on because the track doesn’t require it. But we do.

I remember lots of new people renting helmets from the track last year because we wouldn’t let them out without them.

As it should be :tup:

I recall at least four people - two male passengers, a male driver and a female passenger. No one I knew personally, which is why I can’t name names. I even remember telling Dave I was going to sit off the track for a while when they went out, because I didn’t feel comfortable being on track with un-helmeted people. In fact, one of the male passengers was riding during the time trials… I asked him if he had a helmet, he said no, I asked both him and the driver if they knew anyone at the event they could borrow one from, and they said no, but that they didn’t care. I would have offered mine, but extra small :confused:

Not trying to pick bones! I just think it happened more than people realized. I’d be happy to be helmet nazi when I’m around :smiley: